
Friday, October 29, 2004

Bin Laden on the Campaign Trail `

When Azzam the American isn't enough, well, by all means let's get Osama bin Laden himself out on the campaign trail.

Anyone got a better October Surprise? Anyone?
# posted by atz at 10/29/2004 05:52:00 PM
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Creative Campaigning? `

Reuters "Top News Article" discusses ABC's airing of an unauthenticated video tape featuring threats from self-identified "Assam the American" or "Azzam al Amriki", purportedly a member of al Queda. If from this post's title and all the qualifying modifiers in the preceding sentence you conclude that I don't buy it, you're right.

But I'll start with the supporting case. The 75-minute professional quality production shows an English speaking "terrorist", who a US counter-terrorism official tells the Post "is considered to be college-educated and probably raised or schooled in the United States." The speaker also delivers sentences and phrases, mostly quoting the Koran, in Arabic, "speaking the language well, but not as a native" according to CSMonitor. The "As-Shahab" logo, text runner and Arabic subtitling visible in the Monitor's pic, demonstrate the producers' (or producer's) familiarity with previous material and their sufficient skill in reproducing it.

But note the other elements of this story.

After acquiring the tape on Sunday, "ABC executives were frustrated that after holding the tape and working closely with federal officials to authenticate it, Fox News obtained and aired a copy about 20 minutes before it was shown on Peter Jennings's newscast last night."

CNN reports "ABC said it paid the source $500," and:

After a technical analysis, the CIA cannot determine whether [the] videotape... is authentic. A U.S. official said there were "real questions about its authenticity."

By that, the official said, he meant that it was not clear whether the tape was prepared by someone affiliated with al Qaeda and taking orders from its leaders, or whether it was a hoax. With the presidential election just days away, officials are wary of a possible trick by an impostor. "Without being able to authenticate it, it's just some guy talking on a tape," the U.S. intelligence official said.

Initially, the report was "ABC said on Wednesday that it would be 'beyond irresponsible' to broadcast the tape without first authenticating it." (Reuters) But the immediately (without even looking for it) I saw a flurry of posts to online fora decrying ABC's 'censorship' (for example, in a Boston Herald forum, side-linked from a straight campaign story). The complaint goes "So it's OK when CBS/Dan Rather and New York Times run unchecked stories, but now ABC has questions? Not fair!" You, dear reader, are supposed to recognize these enemies, since the Dan Rather piece was anti-Bush and the NYTimes articles were... totally unrelated. Er, I guess you're just supposed to detest NYTimes on principle: liberals, or something. And while you're hating them, you're supposed to forget that forgery and misreporting are bad, I guess, and just let this slip.

The result: soon it seemed to ABC that it had public demand to see the material. They aired the unauthenticated tape.

The message is largely predicatable. Beware America, you shall perish, we can strike at any time, etc. But also, "the speaker discusses the Darfur conflict, makes a reference to the Massachusetts same-sex marriage legislation, and mentions the Sept. 11 Commission... Besides Bush and Cheney, other U.S. officials mentioned in the tape include former CIA Director George Tenet, FBI director Robert Muller, and Attorney General John Ashcroft, government sources said."

Let's see, terror, terror, bloody terror, Massachusetts bashing, terror, name drop a bunch of government officials, terror, gay marriage, values, terror, 9/11, God, America.

Sounds like a regular campaign appearance to me. What could be more conveneient?

# posted by atz at 10/29/2004 02:30:00 PM
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Friday, October 22, 2004

More Reasons to Like Carl Levin `

Sen. Levin again tackles the bogus rationale for the Iraq war, publishing a 46-page report that squarely criticizes Douglas Feith and the OSP (Office of Special Plans), a Pentagon office set up to circumvet normal intelligence channels and provide the Administration what they wanted: reliably falsified "intelligence". Story at Reuters.
# posted by atz at 10/22/2004 12:31:00 AM
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

US Health Care Report: ~1.7 Million Veterans Uninsured `

An interesting report from Physicians for a National Health Program and a Harvard Med School doctor says 1.7 Million US military veterans have neither health insurance nor VA coverage. Some basic numerical context:
US Population: 295 Million, 45 Million uninsured (15%)
US Veterans: 23 Million, 1.7Million uninsured (7.4%)

Reuters highlights the report's criticism of Bush's "January 2003 decision... to suspend eligibility for so-called Category 8 veterans, who include 'middle-income' ex-servicemen and women making on average $25,000 a year or more." Basically, you can't be added to the list anymore if you have a decent wage/salary/net worth, accounting for half of the uninsured vets. Insert bullshit soundbite from Cmdr-In-Chief Bush here.

actual report is an easy read, with the Categories 1-8 defined in appendix. Among the most interesting points is that the problem is by far worst among the youngest veterans (under age 25): more than 1 in 3 is uninsured. Old veterans qualify for Medicare. Young don't.
Broken down by service era...
Service Era# of
Living Vets
# lacking

Other (incl. Gulf War) 8,270,505 999,54812.1%
Korean War3,044,7496,9210.2%
World War II3,900,3166,0390.2%
All eras23,066,6881,694,3167.3%

If you want a human face on this story, try ABC's Injured Iraq Vets Come Home to Poverty: "Army Spc. Tyson Johnson III of Mobile, Ala., who lost a kidney in a mortar attack last year in Iraq, was still recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center when he received notice from the Pentagon's own collection agency that he owed more than $2,700 because he could not fulfill his full 36-month tour of duty. "

Additional points:

  • "the Pentagon listed the bonus on his credit report as an unpaid government loan, making it impossible for him to rent an apartment or obtain credit cards"
  • "Johnson now lives in his car. It is where he spends most of his days, all of his nights, in constant pain from his injuries and unwilling to burden his family"
  • "One year after nearly being killed in combat, the Pentagon has yet to send Johnson his Purple Heart."

# posted by atz at 10/20/2004 01:17:00 PM
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Abu Ghraib Reservist Pleads Guilty `

This account from UK-based paper, the Guardian:

U.S. Army reservist Staff Sgt. Ivan ``Chip'' Frederick, 38, of Buckingham,
Va., admitted to allegations of conspiracy, dereliction of duty, maltreatment of
detainees, assault, and committing an indecent act.

Frederick, as a mid-level enlisted Staff Seargeant (E6) is still the highest ranking individual charged over Abu Ghraib torture and sexual abuse. The .mil seems implausibly to contend that not even one officer was involved in any culpable way. In that vein, the investigation proceeds with one obvious limitation: the presiding judge ranks only a Colonel (O6).

Frederick blamed the U.S. military command for the problems, saying he had been given no training and no support. "I had no support when I brought things up to my command. They told me to do what (Military Intelligence) told me to do,'' he said.

Frederick said he only learned afterward that there were regulations regarding treatment of the detainees.

This latter statement is the only one that seems potentially untrue. The Army has regulations for everything, right? Even if you don't know what they are, in an MP company, there shouldn't be any way you could believe that the Army had never generated documents on how to run prisons. What is remarkable however, is that Frederick could even make such a claim without being directly and decisively refuted by a Commanding Officer saying "Frederick was briefed on regulations on February 2nd, 2001" or some file clerk saying "On May 8th, 2000, Pfc Frederick was tested on the US Army Revised MP Guidelines, scoring 84 of a possible 112 points."

Lest you forget, Al Jazeera and the BBC both end their reports with similar reminders:

At least 2,000 people are still being detained there indefinitely without charge. Up till now, no top army officials outside the prison have been held responsible for the abuses and there have been no high-level resignations.


More than 2,000 people are still being held there indefinitely without charge. Despite questions about how high-up the chain of command these abuses were sanctioned, no senior army officials outside the prison have been held responsible and there have been no high-level resignations.

# posted by atz at 10/20/2004 11:19:00 AM
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Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Globe and Mail `

What effect is this supposed to have?
for graphic, crude and sexual humour,
violent images and strong language;
all involving puppets.

Source: Globe and Mail reviewing Team America: World Police, a new film in a blazing South Park style, but shot entirely with physical puppets. Certainly the most conspicuous and puppety puppetry since Being John Malkovich.

But even this intoxicating surreality of puppethumping political parody is swiftly dispatched by cold and sobering reality... like the Rueters headline "
Russia Finishes Building Iran Nuclear Plant".
# posted by atz at 10/14/2004 11:52:00 AM
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

FBI shuts down Indymedia `

Ask yourself "What is the First Amendment is good for?".

In this link to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (donations accepted -- to them, not me), the EFF also mentions that their first case was representing role-playing game publisher Steve Jackson Games against the Secret Service. Biggups, gamer dorks in defense of democratic principles! Now where did they put that +1 Constitutional Liberty of Smiting?
# posted by atz at 10/13/2004 04:11:00 AM
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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

31 Flavors of Rumsfeld `

Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S. Secretary of Defense (seriously, he's the only one we've got) says...

On Monday, to the Council on Foreign Relations:

asked to explain the connection between Saddam and Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda
network -- one of the U.S. arguments for launching a war on Iraq... He replied:
"To my knowledge, I have not seen any strong, hard evidence that links
the two

Rumsfeld said Tuesday he was misunderstood when he stated hours earlier that he knew of no "strong, hard evidence" linking Saddam Hussein's Iraq and al Qaeda. "I have acknowledged since September 2002 that there were ties between al Qaeda and Iraq."
He then posted on the Pentagon's website some "arguments for suggesting links between al Qaeda and Iraq under Saddam." Arguments for suggesting links to Iraq under Saddam... is that like a "Weapons of Mass Destruction related program activity"?

All that runaround and you can't even get a link TO Saddam? or howabout his government? No, the closest you can get is to make an argument for suggesting a "link" to some part of Iraq while Saddam was there?!? Wait, were we talking about a case for America going to war, or who's going to win the World Series in 2007? Because I was going to ask for some proof initially, but now, with your incredible argument supporting suggestion of linkage to Iraq, I don't see how we could possibly pass up the chance for this war.

There is more established evidence connecting Bin Laden and the Bush family. Shit, for that matter, we've all seen the video of Rumsfeld himself shaking hands w/ Saddam.

But my favorite Rumsfeldian reversal on Al Queda/Iraq collaboration has got to the following, from today:
"I don't know, because I'm not in that business"

Rest easy, I guess it doesn't really matter after all! I could almost let that slide if only he would actually shut the hell up about it....

source: Reuters - Rumsfeld Says He Was Misunderstood on Iraq-Al Qaeda
# posted by atz at 10/06/2004 11:03:00 AM
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Friday, October 01, 2004

Oil Tops $50/barrel `

The title tells the story, details from Reuters.
# posted by atz at 10/01/2004 06:33:00 PM
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