
Thursday, September 02, 2004

Record Child Poverty, Nation's Worst in Cleveland `

Before the election, how many times do you think Bush and cronies are going to show up in Ohio and talk about how strong the economy is? Something like "I know the recovery has lagged behind around here, but growth is strong and the tax cut is working!" Create more jobs. America. Dream, America, jobs. And the dream of America is to job the tax cut family job America. You know the drill. Dozens of times, no doubt, likely hundreds of repetitions.

Do you think even one of them will make any reference to the official report of Record Poverty, Nation's Worst in Cleveland? Or the other other Ohio cities among the ailing? I suppose it would be too much to ask for anyone involved w/ the campaign to read the front page of the Columbus Dispatch or the Cleveland Plain Dealer, let alone their own Administration's reports on the topic, before evangelizing the economy's infallibility.
# posted by atz at 9/02/2004 04:35:00 PM
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