Wednesday, September 29, 2004
"Democracy Abhors Undue Secrecy" `
The Top News Article from Reuters is that the U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act is unconstitutional. Unconstitutional inasmuch as the Act gave the FBI essentially unchecked power to demand records from businesses without a warrant or judicial review, and barred anyone contacted from even disclosing the surrender of documents. To anyone. Including, say, your lawyer. Or a judge.
This was so messed up that the ACLU had to file the suit under seal while challenging the law, or else they would also be breaking it!
This was so messed up that the ACLU had to file the suit under seal while challenging the law, or else they would also be breaking it!
And see I was SURE you would post about the new report released by The Center for Public Integrity. Tricky You.
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