
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Amazon.com reveals bizarro realities of the American political mind... `

One of Amazon's greatest strengths is the consumer tracking and preference matching data. They don't just sell enormous volumes of books/CDs/DVDs (plus apparel, cookware, and electronics). They compile and analyze all manner of correlative consumer trends and feed this back into the content of the site. They correlate purchases, and they correlate items browsed. What's this have to do with anything? Well, let's see...

So there's this former crack addict and present day pornstar-mom Jenna Jameson, a kind of Howard Stern regular. She has a book:
How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale. People who BUY this book also buy books from other notable pornstars, like:
(1) Traci Lords (Traci Lords: Underneath It All);
(2) Pamela Anderson (Star: A Novel); and
(3) Paris Hilton (Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose).

OK, makes sense, right? Yeah, but then look at the other correlations in the "Customers who shopped for this item also shopped for these items" section:
(1) Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry by John E. O'Neill
(2) Nina Hartley's Guide to Anal Sex DVD
(3) Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man by David T. Hardy

So if you like Jenna Jameson enough to check out her new book (but maybe not buy it), you might also like the titilation of other "conservative" fantasies, including one from Nixon's old dog. Oh, and a guide to anal sex.

This is perhaps as compelling an argument against pornography as I have ever seen.
# posted by atz at 9/14/2004 01:12:00 AM
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