
Wednesday, October 08, 2003

So, it's all happening regardless. DeLay gets his Texas redistri... er, Re-Republicaning. Districts jerrymandered all to hell and back, some stretching ~400 miles. Yes I know it's Texas. And yes it is still dishonest, corrupt and lame. Even the El Paso Times will tell you that the Southern part of the state is getting screwed. Entire counties go w/o a locally centered district!

Redistricting is a 10-year job (following up on each decade's census changes). That's why this instance is so clearly out of line: "Two years ago, GOP leaders supported a new congressional plan drawn by federal judges, but they changed their position after last year's election results." The amount of political energy and attention spent on this is enormous. Beyond both of the Democratic boycotts that were forced out of state by the Governor's "deployment" of State Troopers to arrest them, they've been hashing it back and forth for months. As a result, "the March 2 primary will probably have to be postponed. But DeLay said moving the election date would be worth the expense and inconvenience."

Surprise, surprise.
# posted by atz at 10/08/2003 07:21:00 PM
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