
Sunday, August 31, 2003

Alastair Campell resigned.

To be fair, Alastair Campbell lasted 4 weeks longer than I had predicted (but most of those were "on holiday"). Keep watching: the whole thing is going to come apart. Next: Hoon.
# posted by atz at 8/31/2003 11:45:00 AM
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Microsoft Word snares Tony Blair
Tattle-tale header files analysed
By Egan Orion: Tuesday 01 July 2003, 11:53

THE LABOUR government of Tony Blair might soon reconsider its odd addiction to Microsoft software. It just bit him in the butt.
An IT industry writer with some skills in computer forensics took a close look at the Government's infamous plagiarized Iraq dossier and found proof that it was heavily edited after it left the professional hands of the British Intelligence services, by 10 Downing Street.

Richard Smith of computerbytesman.com was able to access the revision history that Microsoft Word maintains within document files and found 10 entries, the last seven traced to people identified as Tony Blair's political retainers or employed on his office staff.

So much for blaming the spooks. The Vole's hung Blair out to dry. ยต
Die, Blair Government, Die!
# posted by atz at 8/31/2003 12:46:00 AM
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Friday, August 29, 2003

In the mail today, AnthemBlueCrossBlueShieldOfOhio has sent me....
A Guide to Your Benefits
"You've made a good decision in choosing HIPAA CMM Standard Individual."

Yeah, and a bad decision choosing Anthem. What a bunch of crooks. It's been 3 months you chumps! A month ago you raised my rates retroactive to the first day of my coverage, and NOW you finally get around to spelling out what that coverage is??

We all love coverage.

Deductible: Amount you will pay no matter what. Like having no insurance.
Co-Insurance: % you will pay no matter what, after you pay the full deductible. Like insuring yourself. "Maybe that why we call it 'Co-Insurance'."
Premium: Amount you will pay no matter what each month to the INSURER for this "coverage". Like a fuedal subject.

Then there are caps involved, a max threshhold on how much you have to co-insure before they cover 100%, and the maxes they will pay for given types of service and a lifetime "most this policy could ever get you". They get a lot more caps than you do. $3000 for Maternity Services? Can you even prenatal for $3000?

I must be in the wrong line of work.
# posted by atz at 8/29/2003 06:17:00 PM
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Saturday, August 23, 2003

So much for the publishing industry...
# posted by atz at 8/23/2003 02:51:00 PM
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